Glass Bead Sterilizers Steri Shoe Microscopic Slides/Color Transparencies Plant Tissue Culture Dehydrated Media & Chemicals
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Color Transparencies

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Tooth Anatomy, Periodontal Tissue and Sequelae of Dental Caries

35 mm. Color Transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies
No. of Transparencies: 75.
Price: US$ 391.00 per set

1. Dentino-Enamel Junction (G.S.) 2. Enamel Spindles (G.S.) 3. Enamel Rods (G.S.)
4. Enamel Lamella (G.S.) 5. Enamel Tufts (G.S.) 6. Gnarles Enamel (G.S.)
7. Incremental lines of Retzius (G.S.) 8. Neonatal Line (G.S.) 9. Dens Invaginus (G.S.)
10. Underdecalcified Structure of Enamel (Decal) 11. Dentinal Tubules, Longitudinal Section (Decal) 12. Dentinal Tubules, Longitudinal Section (G.S.)
13. S-shaped dentinal tubules (G.S.) 14. Tubular branching (Y-shaped) (G.S.) 15. Intermediate Dentin (G.S.)
16. Dentinal Tubules, Cross Section (Decal) 17. Dentinal Tubules, Cross Section (G.S.) 18. Incremental Lines of Owen/Salter (G.S.)
19. Interglobular Dentin (G.S.) 20. Interglobular Dentin (Decal) 21. Dead Tract, Dentin (G.S.)
22. Secondary Dentin (Decal) 23. Reparative/Tertiary Dentin (Decal) 24. Secondary Dentin (G.S.)
25. Reparative Dentin (G.S.) 26. Pit Caries, Enamel (G.S.) 27. Smooth Surface Enamel Caries (G.S.)
28. Dental Caries affecting Dentin (Decal) 29. Organisms traveling along tubules in dentinal caries (Decal) 30. Normal Pulp (Decal)
31. Cellular Pulp of the new born (Decal) 32. Normal Root Pulp (G.S.) 33. Pulp Congestion (Decal)
34. Early Pulpitis (Decal) 35. Acute Pulpitis (Decal) 36. Pulp Abscess (Decal)
37. Pulpitis (G.S.) 38. Chronic Pulpitis (Decal) 39. Open Pulpitis (Decal)
40. Apical Granuloma (Decal) 41. Periapical Absces (Decal) 42. Pulp Fibrosis (Decal)
43. Pulp Necrosis (Decal) 44. Pulp Calcification (Decal) 45. Pulp Calcification (G.S.)
46. Pulp Stones (Decal) 47. Pulp Stones (G.S.) 48. Free Denticles (Decal)
49. Attached Denticle (Decal) 50. Embedded Denticale (Decal) 51. True Denticle (G.S.)
52. Cementoenamel Junction, Knife edge (G.S.) 53. Cementoenamel Junction, Overlapping (G.S.) 54. Cementoenamel Junction, Gap Type (G.S.)
55. Acellular Cementum (G.S.) 56. Cellular Cementum (G.S.) 57. Lines of Apposition of Cementum (G.S.)
58. Sharpey's Fibres, Cementum (G.S.) 59. Cementum (Decal) 60. Cellular Cementum (Decal)
61. Cemental Hyperplasia (Decal) 62. Cemental Hyperplasia (G.S.) 63. Cementum Resorption (G.S.)
64. Tome's Granular Layer (G.S.) 65. Lateral Root Canal (Decal) 66. Lateral Root Canal (G.S.)
67. Apical Foramen (G.S.) 68. Cementicles/Excementosis (Decal) 69. Periodontal Ligament showing collagen bundles (Decal)
70. Epithelial rests of Malassez, Periodontal Ligament (Decal) 71. Acute Periodontitis (Decal) 72. Chronic Periodontitis (Decal)
73. Alveolar Bone (Decal) 74. Masson's Trichrome stain showing Enamel and Dentin (Decal) 75. Masson's Trichrome stain showing Dentin and Pulp (Decal)

Tooth Development and Oral Embryology

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 10
Price: US$ 88.00 per set

1. Tooth Germ Development: Dental Lamina 2. Tooth Germ Development: Bud Stage 3. Tooth Germ Development: Cap Stage
4. Tooth Germ Development: Bell Stage, low power view 5. Tooth Germ Development: Bell Stage, high power view 6. Tooth Germ Development: Advanced Bell Stage showing Dentin and Enamel Development, high power view
7. Tooth Germ Development: Development of Interfollicular alveolar bone 8. Tooth Germ Development: Posterior/successive dental lamina 9. Embryonal Development of Nasopalatine Region
10. Embryonal Development of Tongue and its papillae        

Oral Histology

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 34
Price: US$ 115.00 per set

1. Nonkeratinizing Oral Squamous Epithelium 2. Parakeratotic Oral Squamous Epithelium 3. Keratinized/Orthokeratotic Squamous Epithelium
4. PAS Stain of Oral Mucosa 5. Vermilion border of the lip 6. Vestibular/alveolar mucosa
7. Buccal Mucosa, low power view 8. Buccal Mucosa, high power view 9. Fordyce's granules
10. Gingiva 11. Soft Palate 12. Hard Palate
13. Floor of mouth 14. Dorsal surface of tongue 15. Filiform Papillae, Tongue
16. Fungiform Papillae, Tongue 17. Circumvallate Papillae, Tongue 18. Taste Buds
19. Lingual Follicle/Foliate Papillae, Tongue 20. Ventral Surface of Tongue 21. Frictional Keratosis, Tongue
22. Geographical Tongue 23. Leukoedema 24. Serous Salivary Gland, low power view
25. Serous Salivary Gland, high power view 26. Atrophic/Fatty Infiltration, Parotid Gland 27. PAS stain of Serous Salivary Gland
28. Seromucinous Gland, low power view 29. Seromucinous Gland, high power view 30. Atrophy, Seromucinous Gland
31. Seromucinous Gland, PAS stain 32. Mucin Secreting Salivary Gland 33. PAS stain of Mucin Secreting Gland
34. Tonsil, low power view        

Oral Pathology Cysts, Cyst-Like Conditions of Jaws, Odontogenic Malformations and Tumours, and Periodontal Diseases

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 32
Price: US$ 119.00 per set

1. Odontogenic Keratocyst 2. Lateral Periodontal Cyst 3. Radicular Cyst
4. Dentigerous Cyst 5. Dentigerous Cyst with cholestrol granuloma 6. Dentigerous Cyst with developing ameloblastoma
7. Nasopalatine Cyst 8. Nasolabial Cyst 9. Solitary Bone Cyst
10. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst, low power 11. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst, high power 12. Follicular Ameloblastoma
13. Plexiform Ameloblastoma 14. Cystic Ameloblastoma 15. Acanthotic Ameloblastoma
16. Granular Ameloblastoma 17. Desmoplastic Ameloblastoma 18. Peripheral Ameloblastoma
19. Adenomatoid Odontogenic Tumour 20. Calcifying Odontogenic Tumour (Pindborg's Tumour) 21. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Cyst (Gorlin's Cyst)
22. Ameloblastic Fibroma 23. Peripheral Ossifying Fibroma 24. Odontogenic Fibroma
25. Odontogenic Myxoma 26. Squamous Odontogenic Tumour 27. Cementifying Fibroma
28. Periapical Cemental Dysplasia 29. Odontoma 30. Acute Periodontitis
31. Chronic Periodontitis 32. Periapical Abscess    

Oral Pathology : Infections of Gingiva, Oral Cavity, Jaw, Soft Tissues, Premalignant and Malignant Lesions

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 70
Price: US$ 259.00 per set

1. Acute Ulcerative Gingivitis 2. Chronic Gingivitis 3. Gingival Fibromatosis
4. Herpetic Stomatistis 5. Bullous Pemphigoid 6. Lichen Planus
7. Pemphigus Vulgaris 8. Tongue Abscess 9. Acute Cellulitis, Jaw
10. Actinomycosis 11. Histoplasmosis 12. Mucormycosis
13. Rhinosporodiosis 14. Candidiasis 15. Tubercular Ulcer, Oral Cavity
16. Aphthous Ulcer 17. Erythema Multiforme 18. Lupus Erythematosus
19. Epidermolysis Bullosa 20. Dermatitis Herpertiformis 21. Acanthosis Nigricans
22. White Sponge Nevus 23. Simple Leukoplakia 24. Complex Leukoplakia
25. Psoriasis 26. Molluscum Contagiosum 27. Squamous Papilloma
28. Well Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma 29. Poorly Differentiated Squamous Cell Carcinoma 30. Verrucous Carcinoma
31. Spindle Cell Carcinoma 32. Papillary Carcinoma 33. Basal Cell Carcinoma
34. Chronic Tonsillitis 35. Tuberculosis, Tonsil 36. Carcinoma, Tonsil
37. Nonspecific Stomatitis 38. Inflammatory Granuloma 39. Giant Cell Granuloma
40. Pregnancy Epulis 41. Congenital Epulis 42. Parasitic Reaction (Cyst wall)
43. Sarcoidosis 44. Pyogenic Granuloma 45. Frictional Keratosis
46. Smoker's Keratosis 47. Geographical Tongue 48. Epithelial Dysplasia
49. Bowen's Disease (Ca-in-situ) 50. Verruca Vulgaris 51. Palatal Papillary Hyperplasia
52. Foreign Body Granuloma 53. Submucous Fibrosis 54. Darier's Disease
55. Leprosy, Tuberculoid 56. Leprosy, Lepromatous 57. Acid Fast Organisms
58. Cysticerosis 59. Malignant Melanoma 60. Carcinoma Lip
61. Neurilemmoma, Palate 62. Lipoma, Tongue 63. Fibroma, Tongue
64. Dermoid Cyst 65. Granula Cell Myoblastoma 66. Tuberculosis, Lymphnode
67. Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma 68. Hodgkin's Lymphoma 69. Metastatic Carcinoma, Lymph Node
70. Scleroderma        

Oral Pathology : Salivary Gland Lesions and Salivary Tumours

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 20
Price: US$ 85.00 per set

1. Chronic Nonspecific Sialadenitis 2. Ductectasia 3. Tuberculosis Sialadenitis
4. Mucocele 5. Sialosis 6. Sjogren's Syndrome
7. Pleomorphic Adenoma 8. Monomorphic Adenoma 9. Adenolymphoma (Warthin's Tumour)
10. Papilloma, Salivary Duct 11. Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma 12. High Grade Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma
13. Acinic Cell Tumour 14. PAS Stain Acinic Cell Tumour 15. Adenocystic Carcinoma
16. PAS Stain Adenocystic Carcinoma 17. Malignant change in pleomorphic adenoma 18. Malignant Parotid Tumour (Solid)
19. Malignant Parotid Tumour (Cystic) 20. Polymorphous Low Grade Adenocarcinoma    

Oral Histology : Diseases of Connective Tissue, Nerves, Muscles and Blood Vessels

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 33
Price: US$ 118.00 per set

1. Fibroma, Oral 2. Fibrous Hyperplasia, Gingiva 3. Pyogenic Granuloma
4. Giant Cell Granuloma 5. Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma 6. Fibrosarcoma
7. Fibrous Histiocytoma (Benign) 8. Oral Submucous Fibrosis 9. Progressive Systemic Sclerosis (Scleroderma)
10. Traumatic Neuroma 11. Neurilemmoma 12. Neurofibroma
13. Malignant Schwannoma 14. Lipoma 15. Pleomorphic Lipoma
16. Liposarcoma 17. Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma 18. Myopathy
19. Granular Cell Myoblastoma 20. Rhabdomyosarcoma, Pleomorphic 21. Rhabdomyosarcoma Embryonal
22. Leiomyoma 23. Leiomyosarcoma 24. Telangiectasia
25. Capillary Hemangioma 26. Cavernous Hemangioma 27. Papillary Endothelial Hyperplasia
28. Hemangiopericytoma 29. Hemangioendothelioma 30. Kaposi's Sarcoma
31. Glomus Tumour 32. Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia (Epithelioid Hemangioma)    

Oral Histology : Diseases of Bone and Temporomandibular Joint

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 34
Price: US$ 120.00 per set

1. Osteoma 2. Osteoid Osteoma 3. Osteoblastoma
4. Osteogenic Sarcoma 5. Parosteal Sarcoma 6. Enchodroma
7. Osteochondroma 8. Chondroblastoma 9. Chondromyxoid Fibroma
10. Chondrosarcoma 11. Giant Cell Tumour 12. Ewing's Sarcoma
13. Multiple Myeloma 14. Metastatic Carcinoma 15. Eosinophilic Granuloma
16. Solitary Bone Cyst 17. Aneurysmal Bone Cyst 18. Fibrous Dysplasia
19. Ossifying Fibroma 20. Nonossifying Fibroma 21. Cherubism
22. Paget's Disease 23. Osteoporosis 24. Hyperparathyroidism
25. Acute Osteomyelitis 26. Localized Alveolar Osteitis (Dry Socket) 27. Chronic Non specific Osteomyelitis
28. Chronic Focal Sclerosing Osteomyelitis 29. Tubercular Osteomyelitis 30. Osteoarthrosis
31. Rheumatoid Arthritis 32. Tuberculous Synovitis 33. Synovial Sarcoma
34. Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, Bone        

Oral Pathology : General Pathological Processes and Hematological Disorders

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 93
Price: US$ 298.00 per set

1. Acute Inflammation 2. Acute Abscess 3. Chronic Abscess
4. Tubercular Abscess 5. Eosinophils in Inflammatory Reaction 6. Macrophages in Inflammatory Reaction
7. Plasma cells in Inflammatory Reaction 8. Langhan's Giant Cells 9. Granulation Tissue
10. Foreign Body Giant Cell 11. Foreign Body Granuloma 12. Cholestrol Granuloma
13. Dystrophic Calcification 14. Metastatic Calcification 15. Medial Calcification of Blood Vessels
16. Oedema 17. Atherosclerosis 18. Infarction
19. Hyaline Degenration 20. Fatty Degeneration 21. Coagulative Necrosis
22. Caseous Necrosis 23. Liquefactive Necrosis 24. Gangrene
25. Fibrinoid Necrosis 26. Keloid 27. Thrombosis (Fresh Thrombus)
28. Thrombosis (Recanalized Thrombus) 29. Thrombophlebitis 30. Epidermal Cyst
31. Pilar/Sebaceous Cyst 32. Pilomatricoma/Calcifying Epithelioma of Malherbe 33. Basal Cell Papilloma
34. Psoriasis 35. Junctional Nevus 36. Intradermal Nevus
37. Compound Nevus 38. Cellular Blue Nevus 39. Spitz Nevus
40. Malignant Melanoma 41. Granular Cell Tumour, Skin 42. Reactive Hyperplasia, Lymphnode
43. Angiofollicular Hyperplasia (Castleman's Disease) 44. Tuberculosis, Lymphnode 45. Sarcoidosis, Lymphnode
46. Follicular Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma 47. Diffuse Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma 48. Hodgkin's Lymphoma
49. Plasmacytoma, Soft Tissue 50. Metastatic Carcinoma, Lymphnode 51. Branchial Cyst
52. Multinodular Goitre 53. Thyroid Cyst 54. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
55. Follicular Adenoma, Thyroid 56. Follicular Carcinoma, Thyroid 57. Papillary Carcinoma, Thyroid
58. Capillary Hemangioma 59. Cavernous Hemangioma 60. Venous Angioma
61. Lymphangioma 62. Filarial Granuloma 63. Hydatid Cyst
64. Cysticercus Cellulosae 65. Cryptococcosis 66. Histoplasmosis
67. Mucormycosis 68. Actinomycosis 69. Rhinosporodiosis
70. Maduramycosis 71. Aspergillosis 72. Iron Deficiency Anemia
73. Macrocytic Anaemia 74. Hemolytic Anaemia 75. Thalassemia
76. Leucocytosis 77. Leucopenia 78. Leukaemoid Reaction
79. Acute Myeloid Leukaemia 80. Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia 81. Acute LymphoidLeukaemia
82. Chronic Lymphoid Leukaemia 83. Normal Bone Marrow 84. Hypoplastic Bone Marrow
85. Hyperplastic Bone Marrow 86. Megaloblastic Bone Marrow 87. L.D. Bodies in Bone Marrow
88. Multiple Myeloma, Bone Marrow 89. Metastatic Carcinoma, Bone 90. Tuberculosis, Bone Marrow
91. Tuberculoid Leprosy 92. Lepromatous Leprosy 93. Syphilis

General Histology

35 mm. Color transparencies of Photomicrographs complete with booklet of written description of transparencies.
No. of Transparencies: 86
Price: US$ 248.00 per set

1. Adipose Tissue 2. Adrenal Gland 3. Apocrine Sweat Gland
4. Artery 5. Appendix 6. Breast Tissue
7. Cancellous Bone 8. Capillaries 9. Cardiac Muscle
10. Cardiac Valve 11. Cerebral Cortex-Neurons 12. Cerebellum
13. Cervix 14. Ciliated Columnar Epithelium 15. Collagenous Tissue
16. Cornea 17. Compact Bone 18. Cuboidal Epithelium
19. Dense Connective/Fibrous Tissue 20. Endometrium 21. Epididymis
22. Esophagus 23. Eyelid 24. Fibrocartilage
25. Fallopian Tube 26. Ganglion Cells (Myentric Plexus) 27. Gall Bladder
28. Hair 29. Hair Follicle and Sebaceous Gland 30. Hyaline Cartilage
31. Kidney 32. Large Intestine 33. Larynx
34. Lip 35. Liver 36. Loose Connective/Areolar Tissue
37. Lung 38. Lymphatics 39. Lymphnode
40. Mucin Secreting Salivary Gland 41. Nail 42. Nerve Bundles
43. Ovary 44. Pancreas 45. Sarcoidosis, Lymphnode
46. Placenta 47. Prostate 48. Stratified Squamous Epithelium, Parakeratotic
49. Stratified Squamous Epithelium, Orthokeratotic 50. Stomach 51. Simple Squamous Epithelium
52. Simple Columnar Epithelium 53. Skeletal Muscle 54. Skin
55. Small Intestine 56. Smooth Muscle 57. Spleen
58. Sublingual Gland 59. Submandibular Gland 60. Sweat Gland (Eccrine)
61. Tendinous Tissue 62. Testis 63. Thymus
64. Thyroid 65. Transitional Epithelium 66. Trachea
67. Tonsil 68. Tongue 69. Umbilical Cord
70. Ureter 71. Urinary Bladder 72. Uterus
73. Vagina 74. Vaginal Cytology 75. Vas Deferens
76. Vein 77. Circumvallate Papillae, Tongue 78. Dorsal Root Ganglion
79. Medulla Oblongata 80. Notochord 81. Parathyroid Gland
82. Pituitary Gland 83. Spinal Cord 84. Taste Buds, Tongue
85. Non Keratinizing Squamous Epithelium 86. Mucin Secreting Columnar Epithelium    

Terms and Conditions :
Delivery: Minimum of 4-6 weeks from date of receipt of order as all transparencies are prepared against orders only.

Minimum order: 1 set

Freight Charges Extra : 1 set - US$ 60.00
: 2 sets - US$ 85.00
: 3 sets and above US$ 105.00

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